
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you’ve written a novel, but need help with polishing the final project. Maybe you need help structuring your memoir. Or maybe you have a great idea, but would like a collaborator to do the bulk of the writing. Whatever it is, I’ve got a service to help. 


You have an idea for a book but aren’t sure how to do the actual writing. Or maybe you feel too strongly about the subject to give it the perspective it needs. You might be a very good writer, but simply do not have the time or energy to dedicate to such a long project. You might be thinking: I’ve started this book, but I think I need a collaborator. I’ve got a great idea, but I don’t know how to get it from my head to the page. My story is worth telling, but I’m too emotionally close to the subject matter to be subjective.

book coaching

Longer-term mentorship and collaboration through the entire book writing process–from first outline to final draft.



This is for clients who have a completed or nearly completed manuscript and would like a second pair of eyes to check for continuity, plot and character development, consistent point of view, and whether all the questions you’ve raised have been answered within the text. A developmental edit focuses on the big picture. You might be asking: Does this work? Is this tertiary character necessary? Is the tone consistent throughout the book? You might also want to consult with a developmental editor early on in your process to help flesh out an outline, or for a listening ear to bounce off ideas as you develop your book.


Similar to developmental editing, but substantive editing focuses on more granular details like accuracy of information, structure, revelation of information, and transitions. Part of substantive editing is what some people refer to as the “flow” of a book. You might be asking: Does this make sense? Is it better to reveal information in my memoir chronologically, or by theme? Are the names of my characters appropriate for the time period in my novel? Is it accurate for my antagonist to be wearing JNCO jeans in 1990? (Not really. They weren’t very popular until a few years later.)



While different, I’ve lumped these three together because they’re similar and my rates are consistent for each. Are you looking for help with grammar, syntax, correct and consistent tense? Or are you looking for someone to help you avoid cliches and tired writing? What about someone to check for spelling and punctuation mistakes? I can help with each of these!